Sunday, June 23, 2024

Our introductory curriculum through story with Time Stowaways

Wondering what all the miscroschooling, reverse learning, edutainment, omnimmersive fuss is about?

You've come to the right place if:

  • You want a better school experience for your children where they can learn and grow while enjoying themselves, where they not only retain what they've learned, but build on it to advance and progress in their careers, relationships, and personal wellbeing
  • You want to streamline homelife and make it more efficient as well as more pleasurable instead of adding one more thing to an overflowing plate of tasks and commitments
  • You crave increased connection with your kids and family members, more delightful shared experiences, more warm fuzzy memories  

Using the nearly absurdly effective Meanwhile Method™ in conjunction with the interactive novella Time Stowaways, we've created an introductory curriculum for ages 2-6, 7-9, 10-12, and 13+, launching Fall 2024, both in person and online.

The story is set in 1953 on an actual cruise ship from the era, where 3 children (ages 8, 12, and 18 months) have stowed away to avoid being shipped off to an unpleasant relative. They are aided by a pair of teens who also have managed to get onto the ship under questionable circumstances. Will the children be found? Will they be sent to the brig? Or will they end up traveling farther than they expected—more than 50 years into the future?

One of the most pleasurable aspects of the learning lessons is that readers get to actually do what is depicted in the story ... within reason. We won't be sending anyone half a century into the future!

This short curriculum (designed to give you a taste of the learning method) is made up of 7 immersive lessons and a celebratory wrap party. Additionally, we offer a number of training opportunities for parents (self-study, Q&A calls, live workshops, you name it) as part of our groundbreaking Reading Revolution program. And no one, I repeat, no one is ever left out because of their finances.

So where to go from here?

If you're already certain you're ready for a new way to learn & live, click here to sign up for the curriculum.

If you're interested in learning about the Meanwhile Method™ click here.

And if you'd like to delve into the disciplines and subjects incorporated into the lesson plans, click here

Whether you choose to binge the curriculum or go through it with us by joining our weekly one-lesson-at-a-time video calls, you'll be welcome in our private Facebook group where we offer support, suggestions, solutions, along with a pinch of silly humor and virtual hugs.

We can't wait to embark on this adventure in education with you,

~Joy & Heather